
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We've all caught the wedding bug here in Texas...

Two very special people are getting married in just a few short weeks. The groom is precious to our family as a Godfather to our adopted daughter. The bride is precious to us because she stepped in and cared for our children and ran the household when I was hospitalized a little over a year ago.

In fact, their courtship began, long distance, while she was staying at our house. One of the memories of that awful time when everything was going so very wrong was of hanging up from her announcement of their beginning on this road and sobbing in relief and happiness. Finally, finally, something was going right!

If ever two people were meant for each other, it is these two. There's no way, in one blog post, to express all the ways this couple is so well suited, just suffice it to say they are.

So now, here I am writing a song for their wedding. I couldn't be happier. Neither could they, I think, for very different reasons, of course.

1 comment:

  1. I love weddings. When people are very suited to each other, they are even more lovely.

    Enjoy the ceremony.
