
Friday, March 19, 2010

I Haz Cheesecake...sort of. Really all I've got is a gluten-free pie crust

I've officially made a cheesecake from cheese to finish. The recipe I've created tastes great, but is a bit too light and frothy in texture. I'm going to have to try again. Oh woe to my family to have to eat up all the experiments...

Here's one good thing: I figured out a Gluten-Free Rice Crispy Crust. I can share that one.

Gluten-Free Rice Crispy Crust
1 1/2 cups crushed rice crispies
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup melted goat milk butter or (bleah, ick, yuck!) margarine

Combine ingredients. Press 2/3 of the mixture on the bottom of a 9 inch square baking pan or a pie pan. Chill. Reserve 1/3 as a crumbly topping to decorate the filling of your choice.
The Dairy Section of the Kitchen

Because it's not perfect, you'll have to email me for this cheesecake recipe, if you want to play around with it. It's akin to a custard pie and would be good with berries or a meringue on top. I'm actually going to try out that end of this recipe's spectrum later on, but for now a cheesecake is the prey I'm after.

Also, I discovered I've gotten a bit carried away with my 40 Bags in 40 Days exercise. I've given away my pie and cake tins. What was I thinking?!

The cheesecake in a casserole dish. White on white is so appetizing, no?

Oh yeah, teflon coating...

For those of you who were "with me" all throughout the St. Patrick's Day day long cook fest, here's some pictures of the fun. Who's idea was it to cook all day long and only have soup and bread to show for it? At least there was dessert.

Oddly shaped soda bread and Gluten-Free Shortbread
Ninja Throwing Stars--neither the prettiest of breads
or the safest of cookies

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just found your blog and love it. I awarded you the Beautiful blogger award!

    Keep writing!

