
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Peeps...

We got all dressed up and most of us had nowhere to go. Just under half of us have some sort of cough. That means no Nana for all of us cootie exposed Martins and no church for the actively coughing. We still managed to make Easter a happening at our house.

The Centerpiece
The boys managed to look good without doing their hair or nails.


You can see him plotting this in the Before picture, can't you?

I'm sick and tired and you have a camera. 

AfterOn the other hand, you also have candy.
P.S. I'm not changing my shirt. This one has a bear on it.

The girls took a little more primping and polishing to get to maximum Easter readiness.

If you are wondering why this group shot is what it is (a candid moment just before the mayhem), you obviously have never tried to capture one good still shot of three little girls who simply must pose while simultaneously showing you their pretty shoes, their painted fingernails, their hairdo and (in the case of the newly potty-trained) clean underpants.

I had better luck with the single shots of the girls.

She particularly liked her hair and nails.

She liked her dress the best.

She especially liked the attention.

Happy Easter, everyone! 
Hope you enjoyed your family time, too! 

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