
Friday, June 24, 2011

7 Quick Takes

Jennifer Fulwiler, the blogger of Conversion Diary, had her lovely wonderful beautiful baby! I'm not going to post a picture for purely marketing reasons (I want you to go look at and subscribe to her blog).

1 - The Adoption Worker said, "Call your lawyer!" which means we are nearly done pushing the state's paperwork and have to start pushing our own. She also began talking about the judge and a date--which means we are very, very close!

2 - She is only 4 years old and has a case file over 700 pages long. I'm in the 300s. It's required reading. Even though I know this story and there is nothing new here, it's hard reading.

3 - The child described in the case files looks very different than the daughter asleep down the hall. My daughter is not wary and untrusting and given to tantrums like the poor child in these pages. Circumstances can really change a person. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes all it takes to fix a person is to improve the circumstance.

4 - Would you consider adopting an older child? Would you consider becoming a foster parent? I have to ask because it might be you who needs asking. Not everyone is called, but the called do need calling. Sometimes all that is lacking is the invitation. You have been invited.

5 - We usually homeschool throughout the summer, but the past few weeks have been a vacation of sorts. With the adoption and the new house coming next month, it's going to be really hard to get it the ball rolling. I think I'm going to have to grind the grind and get going anyway.

6 - We bought the trap, baited it, and the skunk got our last chicken anyway. My husband went on-line, stared at a few chicken coop pictures and then sat down and designed a coop that we can shut up and lock at night. He's smart like that. The problem is solved as long as I remember to go lock up the chickens when they've roosted. Maybe I should needlepoint a chicken on my pillowcase to help me remember this new chore.

7 - For the entire week I have exercised every stinking 100-degree day. Yay for me and self-discipline and the neighbor who won't let me get away with sloth! I'm actually waiting around for said neighbor to come by for our walk and talk. Two miles, fast paced, and all the world's problems get solved in the process. Exercise is a good thing when it's over.

Due to the demands of the newest Fulwiler, 7 Quick Takes is hosted at Betty Beguiles this week, 
a new-to-me blog! 
I think I have a new addiction!


  1. My sister was adopted at 3 years old after having been placed with us at 19 months. At 19 months, she didn't talk or really even react to people. Now we can't get her to stop talking or leave people alone for 3 seconds. It's great. :)

  2. Sounds uber great! How old is she now? Still a chatterbox?

  3. You did a very beautiful thing.

  4. Adoption is truly a noble act. It's an amazing thing to provide a child with a better life.

  5. Thanks, guys. The truly amazing thing is that she gets to be my baby. She always was and now it'll be official! :`D
