
Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Birthday...

Today was my husband's birthday and I managed to surprise him with a little party. The neighbor kids helped my kids make beautiful cards and put together a play, "The Little Billy Goats Gruff," while my neighbor and friend helped me learn how to grill. She's an expert.

Besides the play, the grilled chicken, a jello-jiggler birthday cake, and the cards, he received a new grill, a book, and a day in air conditioning from start to finish. We spent the day at the neighbor's house with a rocking cold a/c and tonight we are at my parent's house enjoying the gift of theirs. When we left our house today it had come back down to 97 degrees. The new house that will be moved in August will have central heat and air. Until then, we make do.

Right now, the man is asleep in 78 degree comfort. Happy birthday, honey.