
Friday, October 21, 2011

7 Quick Takes

1 - I am working on very few hours of sleep due to my mother running to the hospital last night. My father took her in before midnight and they got back after three. She is doing just fine now. It turns out that all the mysterious and scary symptoms she was experiencing were very treatable, though Emergency Room worthy. What a relief!

2 - P.S. to #1 above...Pardon the typos or rambling incoherency. Today, and today only, I can blame it all on the lack of sleep.

Image source:
3 - My main focus today is to write this post, finish the homeschool week, and make sure my parents stay asleep as long as possible. I shall do this without grumbling (if I'm doing it right) and while folding laundry. I did very little laundry while laid up with the rib, so the Laundry Monster needs some taming.

4 - I have an idea for a brand new blog--which may wind up being a page on this blog since I have made the Garden purposefully broad. I'm going to go ahead and create it so that nobody steals my cool name, but I'm not going to work on it until the focus of it comes more into focus. I'll keep you posted on how that is going to work out.

5 - After tossing out a fleece (see Gideon) regarding blogging, I am being answered in the affirmative to continue blogging. Now that my personal ego is out of the way (all the goodies I wanted from blogging have long been outweighed by the grind of producing posts), it seems that I am being called to practice the discipline it will take to make blogging a part of my vocation as a wife and mother. I had thought blogging was all about fulfilling my personal interests of writing and socializing, it turns out blogging is more about me working out my salvation (Philippians 2:12--14) through my primary vocation. I think that because I use my posts as a way to remind myself of what I know I should do but often don't, it is more vital to vocation than I had thought. Now the trick shall be to keep at this without allowing it to interfere with my duties. Can we say 4:00 a.m.? Oh, yes we can! No grumbling allowed (Philippians 2:14).

6 - Part of the Catholic celebration of All Saint's Day and All Souls Day is praying for the people who have died. If you are of the Protestant persuasion, the non-Christian persuasion, or the semi-catechised Catholic persuasion and have questions about the Catholic understanding of life, death and the afterlife, this is an excellent time of year to ask. The Catholic Blogosphere is gearing up towards November 1 and November 2 and, in fact, the entire month of November should have plenty to offer in that regard. Feel free to ask away!

A picture of an elaborate All Souls Day remembrance.

7 - I should seriously get going, so I am going to leave you with the guilt-ridden thought that I took exactly 40 minutes out of my duties today to write this. This is better than my 3 hour average, though. It must have been inspired.

Jennifer Fulwiler
Thanks to Jennifer Fulwiler, a fellow Texan, for hosting
7 Quick Takes Friday 


  1. Please don't encourage my desire to start other blogs :) Your little post is pulling at my idea strings... and that is bad!

  2. Mwahahaha! Or,'re welcome.

  3. Hi fun takes; I hope you can get some sleep soon! I'm a new follower from Catholic Mothers Online. :o)

    Feel free to stop by anytime!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  4. Hi Christie,

    Sorry to read about your mum but happy to read that what she had was treatable.

    I have passed on a Stylish Blogger award to your blog. I love reading about all the things that are happening in your life.


  5. Thank you, Therese. I accepted it and passed it on!
