
Friday, December 23, 2011

7 Quick Takes--It's Christmas Eve Eve! Get It Done Quick Edition

Jennifer Fulwiler
Thanks to Jennifer Fulwiler, a fellow Texan, for hosting
7 Quick Takes Friday 

1 Today is my girl's birthday. We have a party for her earlier in the month when everyone is not so crazy busy. Today, on her actual birthday, we are having cake and her favorite dinner while she opens her grandparents' present. This year, the little Texan has asked for biscuits and sausage gravy with fried potatoes.

A Biscuits and Gravy Kind of Girl

2 We have managed to lose the box with the stockings this year. After moving a farmhouse, moving us from the trailer into my parents' house, and storing stuff in three different places, only losing one box isn't bad. However, my son is eight. As everyone knows Eight is known as the Rev Tevya Year in young boys. I hope he recovers from the shock of having to put up with a temporary replacement stocking.

3 Why, yes, I recognize the irony. I do, indeed.

4 I made a list, checked it twice, and now I am prepared to run with scissors. I have to wrap, cook, bake, buy stockings, rehearse, have a family party, attend a friend's party. I also have to remember to be cheerful. Coffee is in order. By the bucket load.

5  I almost forgot to mention (brag) that I have now completed the subfloor of the bathroom in our farmhouse. My friend and neighbor helped a ton. Yesterday I finished the job. It's all nailed down and ready for the flooring.

6 Speaking of flooring, now that the farmhouse has settled onto its foundation a window pane decided to begin falling out. There is a 1/4 inch gap through which the blisteringly cold Panhandle wind seeped into a bedroom and hallway, dropping the temperature in that portion of the house to about 55 degrees. We taped it up and are putting in the plastic window insulation kit until we can replace the window itself. Meanwhile, the flooring that is supposed to "cure" in the house for 48 hours got too cold to install yesterday. I moved the boxes of flooring to a warmer room, but the material won't be warm enough to reinstall until Christmas Eve. That floor isn't going down until next week, for sure. At least I have an excuse for not adding construction duties to my list of pre-Christmas panicking.

7 Although I am busy, I am grateful to be so. Sure there are a ton of things to get done, but Christmas is truly a most wonderful time of year. I love the hope and promise of the season. Every birth is miraculous, the birth of God infinitely so. Amazing. Awesome. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. Your daughter is my kind of girl! Biscuits and gravy and fried potatoes sounds SO good right now! I hope she has a wonderful birthday and that your family has a very blessed Christmas!

  2. Thanks, Jammie Girl. Are you part Texan, by any chance?

    Hope you and yours have a wonderfully blessed Christmas!

  3. Home improvement is always an adventure. Don't worry about the stocking box, it will show up two months from now.

  4. Athanasius, you are too right and too funny! :D
