
Friday, December 21, 2012

7 Quick Panicky Takes


I am so nervous! We are having our final inspection to qualify our new house for foster care and adoption today at 2:30 p.m. Central. Today. My husband and I wanted to finish several more projects before the inspections needed to happen, but some funding got held up and we are simply out of time. I am waiting for the person to show up in mere minutes and would appreciate prayers from anyone reading this.


Completing all the paperwork and classes to keep up the certification for foster/adopt is akin to labor for the adoptive and foster parent. In truth, I slogged through that portion of the work with a relaxed attitude stemming from the fact that the house was not ready. There were no high stakes at any other step of the way. Until today. It is a bit silly of me because if it doesn't pass we can always begin the paperwork trail again. I am thinking of some child needing a soft, safe place to land at one of the worst times of the year to enter into foster care: Christmastime! My nervousness stems from worrying about letting that little person down because we didn't manage to pull our house together in time.


16 minutes and counting...


Please take a moment to pray for all those children who will be taken into foster care in the next several weeks. It's never good to have your family come apart at the seams, but it just seems to happen more often with the pressure everyone puts on themselves over the holidays.


If you have ever considered adoption or foster care, even though I am a bit nervous and flighty today, don't let that turn you away. In fact, I would invite you to consider the thought as an invitation. I tell everyone who considers adoption and foster care to treat it like a vocation. When you think you are being called to it, prayerfully assume that you have the calling and take all the steps necessary to bring it about. Let God make it clear whether or not this is in His plans for you. He will. Loud and clear. Trust me.


8 minutes, Lord have mercy!


I am going to leave this blank for now. I'll let you know if the house has passed and where we go from here momentarily!


We passed! We passed! We passed! I'm so excited to be looking forward to being a momma to a new little person!

I hope and pray that your next update will be to announce the gender and codename of our newest addition, long or short term, to our family!

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