
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Storm Pics

The storm started in the wee hours of Monday morning with thunder, lighting and a blast of wind. That wind got up to 74 mph and didn't let up until yesterday afternoon. It was so bad and so loud that when it finally calmed down to the 30 mph range our ears rang for an hour or more afterwards.
They closed the roads, but a few vehicles braved the elements.
Now that it is all over, everyone is waiting on the water content numbers. I haven't heard any complaints from a single Texan about the storm. Water is water no matter how tall!

Storm's over? Time to go play!

She insisted on wearing a dress in and amongst the layers!
We discovered that the wind had done some funny business. We had bare dirt in places and drifts in others. This is the inside of our garage (note the open door)...

We loaded up the garage to protect all this stuff!

This is our goat who managed to keep in once piece. We thought for sure she'd kid mid-blizzard. See how the wind left a bare swath around her shed?

Her feed bucket was snatched out of Andy's hands and blew away during the storm.
We'll probably find it on our next hike in Palo Duro Canyon.

This drift was our favorite place to play. It's just under five feet tall and was formed on the north side of the house. The snow was frozen and packed hard enough to keep the adults from breaking through, too.

That's the feed shed behind them. The roof is about knee level to the kids.

We made it through safe and warm. We didn't even lose power though the Internet went out when the ice overtook the satellite dish.

Safe and Sound Here!

We've dug out our garage and it's my husband's regularly scheduled weekend, so we are going to sit out the thaw here at home, painting a bathroom!

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