
Friday, April 26, 2013

7 Quick Random Takes

Jennifer is back at Conversion Diary!


The drought is not over, but there's been enough moisture for a bit of grass. I'm counting my blessings and mowing for the first time in two years today. I will be necessarily brief. I just wanted to point to a few interesting moments on the Internet this week.


Listen to internet radio with Deeper Truth on Blog Talk Radio

This podcast. Deborah became involved in Satanism. How did she get out again? She tried three times to come home to the Church. The third time, she happened to meet a nun who loved enough. Thank God for meek and determined nuns!


This guest blog post of mine at Forever, For Always, No Matter What 


This cautionary post for those of us out there evangelizing newly by Bill Kassell.

"Working in Christian music and Catholic radio, I’ve often had to ask myself how much of what I did was for the propagation of the faith and how much for my own ego." Great article for those of us newly evangelizing out there...


April 25, 2013

"It was O.K."


To this list, I would like to add a 7th: Socializing is more complicated for us. Finding a qualified babysitter or bringing our kids to an event is sometimes a challenge. Understand when we can't just sit and chat.


Happy Prom and Graduation Season!
"At least you get more sleep than during exam season!"--random Senior.

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